Thursday, April 14, 2011

The newest twitter celebrity

If you weren't watching/tweeting the debate last night you missed this woman:

Her name is Mme Paillé and she's asking about unemployment in those over 50. She herself is currently unemployed.

Well, of course, the leaders all spent the next 20 minutes trying to prove how their own platform planks would help poor Mme Paillé. The twitterverse was confused for a while, and then we realized that Mme Paillé was the "Joe the Plumber" everyman type for this election and "Mme Paillé" became the number 3 top trending topic in Canada. And then someone made a facebook fan page for her. The CBC has a collection of the best tweets.

Anyhow. The Journal de Montréal interviewed Mme Paillé for her reaction to the whole thing. She thinks Layton and Ignatieff did the best job at answering her initial question, and said Harper "had no empathy" for her situation.

Now people are offering her jobs over twitter but she's waiting to see if any come up in her area.

Oh, Mme Paillé. Hero of the people.

UPDATE: Because the CBC decided to post a new article five minutes after I posted this. So apparently there were about six facebook groups, one of which declared Mme Paillé the winner of the debate, and one of which declared her the new minister of labour. Not too shabby. Someone also suggested that she should be in charge of the next referendum.

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